Full event terms and conditions are shown at point of purchase.

  1. Tickets cannot be changed due to adverse weather on the day as the adventure park is an outdoor space and we ask you come weather prepared.
  2. Tickets are non-refundable, non-exchangeable and non-transferable. In the event of needing to change your booking please email adventurepark@conifox.co.uk or call 01313331444
  3. From time to time we, and third parties to whom we have provided authority, may take photographs and/or video recordings of the premises, including the car parks and surrounding areas, as well as events, which may feature visitors. By purchasing a ticket to the Conifox, you are accepting these terms, and you agree that Conifox Limited or any authorised third party may use such images in perpetuity in any promotional or publicity material in any format whatsoever. You further agree that all copyright and any other intellectual property rights that subsist in or arise out of these materials shall be absolutely owned by us or such authorised third party (subject to our agreement) as the case may be
  4. Conifox Adventure Park will only cancel a booking if it is deemed unsafe to attendees, for example, in high winds. If we decide to cancel any bookings, attendees will be notified by email with as much notice as possible and a full refund will be given. An email will be sent to the email address used to book the tickets. Attendees will be able to re-book another date subject to availability. It is the responsibility of the attendees to check their emails before arriving at the event to check for any updates, and to make sure email addresses are correctly entered when booking tickets. Updates will also be made on our website and social media sites.
  5. In addition to the ticket price, a booking fee and processing fee applies. Tickets are electronic only, there is no option to post out tickets. To purchase tickets, you must have a valid and current email address.
  6. Ticket buyers will be given an opportunity to opt in and receive Conifox Adventure Park e-newsletters. If you choose to subscribe to our e-newsletter updates, your email address will be added to our mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time via the link at the bottom of each newsletter or by e-mailing adventurepark@conifox.co.uk
  7. We take data security very seriously. You can find out more about how Conifox Adventure Park uses your personal data by e-mailing adventurepark@conifox.co.uk
  8. While Conifox and its employees attempt to ensure the complete safety of our visitors, it is the responsibility of parents/guardians to supervise and accompany children on the site with a ratio of one adult for every six children over five and one adult for every three children under five. All children may only use the facility when accompanied by a responsible adult.
  9. An adult is classed as a parent or guardian over the age of 18 and the child/children always remains their responsibility when at Conifox. This is for the safety and security of their children.
  10. Parents/Guardians know their child’s capabilities and behaviour best and so should ensure an appropriate level of supervision to reflect this.
  11. Children/Adults must follow all equipment usage signage displayed.
  12. Strictly no smoking or vaping on the premises.
  13. Only Food and Drink purchased from Conifox can be consumed in the Activity centre. Picnics only to be consumed outside in the Adventure Park.
  14. Children who are unwell, or who have been unwell, should not visit for at least 48 hours. Children who become unwell in the activity centre, must leave the activity centre immediately.
  15. Conifox does not accept responsibility for any personal belongings which are stolen, lost or damaged at any time.
  16. All height and age restrictions imposed by the management must be adhered to.
  17. Conifox reserves the right to restrict play session if required. This will be communicated to guests before payment is taken on reception or online.
  18. Conifox reserves the right to close any piece of equipment during trading hours for any reason, without notice or compensation. We will endeavour to inform you of a closure prior to a party only.
  19. Abusive/aggressive or any other type of behaviour deemed to be unsuitable towards Conifox staff, management, or any other member of the public from either adults or children will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Should members of the public witness any unsuitable behaviour from either adults or children they MUST inform a member of staff immediately who will then resolve the situation. Failure to follow this rule could result in further action being taken by Conifox or individual parties involved.
  20. Management reserve the right to refuse entry.

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